

SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE  MODELS A software process model is simplified representation of software process. 1)WATERFALL MODEL 2)V-MODEL 3)ITERATIVE MODEL 4)RAD MODEL 5)SPIRAL MODEL 6)BIG BANG MODEL WATERFALL MODEL: *It  is used when requirements are clear and accurate documents when system is to be produced. *Waterfall  Model is the simplest model of  software development part.                         Waterfall Model - Application Every software developed is different and requires a suitable SDLC approach to be followed based on the internal and external factors. Some situations where the use of Waterfall model is most appropriate are − Requirements are very well documented, clear and fixed. Product definition is stable. Technology is understood and is not dynamic. Waterfall Model - Advantages Some of the major advantages of the Waterfall Model are as follows − * Simple and easy to understand and use ...


                               OPERATORS IN C  An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical functions.  C language is rich in built-in operators Arithmetic Operators Relational Operators Logical Operators Bitwise Operators Assignment Operators Additional Operators Arithmetic Operators: Basic Arithmetic operators include Operator Description                                              Example + Adds two operands.                                      A + B = 30 − Subtracts second operand from the first.       A − B = -10 * Multiplies both operands.                    ...


What is SOFTWARE ENGINEERING? Why do we need it? SOFTWARE: Software is nothing but  comprising the entire set of programs,procedures and routines assosciated with computer system SOFTWARE ENGINEERING : *It is a system application of methods build in software in rigours way *Creation of software using engineering principles NATURE OF SOFTWARE : *It does not involve not only  technically building the system but understanding the requirements working with stakeholders and trying to find a solution of balances all stakeholder needs in order to deliver *It is very complex and it relies on making decisions *There is no ideal proecss and most organizations has developed their own software process Ex: An organization works on critical system has structure process with business system by changing requirements ,a less formal,flexible process is more effective WHY SOFTWARE IS IMPORTANT? Now a days software is more important because software is pervasive in all industry sector systems mus...


HOW TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS IN LIFE?                                                  Everyone    wants    to  be  successful   in   their   life  whether he is a student or  anybody  else in order to lead a happy and  successful   life .  But some  may succeed and some may not be succeed. It is not difficult to achieve success .It is possible if we draw up a plan, develop talent with  preservance  and march forward, unfavourable circumstances notwithstanding. But it is possible only for a few. Such people do not get diheartened  at their misfortune and motivate themselves to march forward. ABCDE  FOR SUCCESS You all may think  that what is ABCDE?  Here are five key steps to success you can take to succeed in any desired area of your life. They are-   ...